Assistant Professor of Geology - Amherst College
2016-2020 |
Postdoctoral Researcher - University of Washington |
ICESat-2 altimetry and NASA IceBridge data interpretation - Advisor: Knut Christianson
This work, funded through NASA grant NNX16AM01G, is designed to identify hypotheses testable using data from ICESat-2 upon launch. This means identifying locations of expected detectable thickness change and compiling historic ice-sheet elevation records from IceBridge, Cryosat2, ICESat, and WorldView data. Additionally, we are funded to continue interpretation of IceBridge ice penetrating radar data, using new swath imaging methods to create more spatially comprehensive ice-thickness maps.
2012-16 |
NSF Graduate Research Fellow - Pennsylvania State University |
2011-12 |
University Graduate Fellow - Pennsylvania State University |
Ph.D. work in glaciology - Advisors: Richard Alley and Sridhar Anandakrishnan |
My Ph.D. research focused on improved data processing and interpretation for radar data collected in Antarctica and Greenland. As we move toward more quantitative interpretation of radar reflection amplitudes, it is important that we identify all of the sources of power variability introduced both by physical processes and as an artifact of the imaging process. My attempted to identify and isolate several of these controls, and develop new automated methods for quantitative description of the data. The end goal of this research is to develop products that can be used to constrain ice-sheet models.
2014,15 |
Graduate Research Intern - Chevron Energy and Technology Company |
Improving Time Shift Methods for 4D Seismic Data Analysis - Advisor: Larry Sydora
Over two summers, I conducted research into 4D seismic processing techniques, with a focus on time-shift analysis and acoustic impedance inversion. Seismic time lapse data has the potential to inform production schedules and practices for industry, but there remains potential to improve processing algorithms to produce a cleaner interpretation product. The team I worked with is developing novel processing methods to help determine acoustic impedance changes in the subsurface during hydrocarbon extraction. This work led to a patent.
2010-11 |
Research Fellow - Pacific Tsunami Warning Center |
Investigating the role of Fault Geometry on Tsunamigenesis - Advisor: Gerard Fryer |
The role of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) is to provide real time monitoring of earthquakes, and evaluate the tsunami generation potential of seismic events in the Pacific. This has historically been done using models which approximate the size, shape, and orientation of the fault plane based on magnitude and location of the earthquake, assuming all earthquakes occur at the depth of plate boundary, on the decollement, and have a reverse sense of motion. My job was to evaluate a numerically simple, but fully customizable tsunami model against historic data, to determine if the simple model would be useful for active warning despite the numerical simplifications. I also tested the models sensitivity to different fault orientations. This research was funded by the Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship Program.
2008-11 |
Research Assisstant - Carleton College Departments of Geology and Economics |
Land Pricing (Advisor: Aaron Swoboda), Water Quality (Advisor: Bereket Haileab), and Paleomagnetics (Advisor: Sarah Titus) |
(1) Helped develop a spatial autoregression package in R to determine the real value of land using house prices from California. (2) I developed and conducted a seasonal survey of the surface water chemistry of Rice County, MN, over 5 seasons. The objective was to see the spatial and temporal variation of contaminants in the surface water. I collected the samples, analyzed the water using alkalinity titrations and ion chromatography, and performed statistical analysis of the data in ArcGIS. (3) Assisted in the statistical analysis of paleomagnetic data collected in Southern California.
2016 |
Ph.D. in Geosciences - The Pennsylvania State University NSF Graduate Research Fellow |
Department of Geosciences University Park, PA 16802 Advisors: Dr. Richard Alley - Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan |
2011 |
B.A. in Geology - Carleton College (Summa Cum Laude) B.A. in Economics - Carleton College (Summa Cum Laude)
300 North College Street |
Northfield, MN 55057 |
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Titus |
Hamlington, B.D., Gardner, A.S., Ivins, E., Lenaerts, J.T.M., Reager, J.T., Trossman, D.S., Zaron, E.D., Adhikari, S., Arendt, A., Aschwanden, A., Beckley, B.D., Bekaert, D.P.S., Blewitt, G., Caron, L., et al., 2020, Understanding of Contemporary Regional Sea‐level Change and the Implications for the Future: Reviews of Geophysics, doi: 10.1029/2019rg000672.
2020 |
Smith, B., Fricker, H.A., Gardner, A.S., Medley, B., Nilsson, J., Paolo, F.S., Holschuh, N.,, Adusumilli, S., Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Harbeck, K., Markus, T., Neumann, T., Siegfried, M.R., et al., "Pervasive ice sheet mass loss reflects competing ocean and atmosphere processes" Science, 21. | .
Hills, B.H., Christianson, K., and Holschuh, N.,,"A framework for attenuation method selection evaluated with ice-penetrating radar data at South Pole lake" Annals of Glaciology. | .
Fudge, T.J., Lilien, D.A., Koutnik, M.R., Conway, H.B., Stevens, C.M., Waddington, E.D., Steig, E.J., Schauer, A.J., and Holschuh, N., "Advection and non-climate impacts on the South Pole Ice Core" Climate of the Past. | .
Hamlington, B.D., Gardner, A.S., Ivins, E., Lenaerts, J.T.M., Reager, J.T., Trossman, D.S., Zaron, E.D., Adhikari, S., Arendt, A., Aschwanden, A., Beckley, B.D., Bekaert, D.P.S., Blewitt, G., Caron, L., ... Holschuh, N.,, et al.,"Understanding of Contemporary Regional Sea-level Change and the Implications for the Future" Reviews of Geophysics. | .
Holschuh, N.,, Christianson, K., Paden, J., Alley, R.B., and Anandakrishnan, S., "Linking postglacial landscapes to glacier dynamics using swath radar at Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica" Geology, 48, 1–5. | .
2019 |
Alley, K. E., Scambos, T. A., Alley, R. B., & N. Holschuh, "Troughs developed in ice-stream shear margins precondition ice shelves for ocean-driven breakup" Science Advances, 5, 1–7. | .
Smith, B., Fricker, H. A., N. Holschuh, Gardner, A. S., Adusumilli, S., Brunt, K. M., Csatho, B., Harbeck, K., Huth, A., Neumann, T., Nilsson, J., Siegfried, M. R., "Land ice height-retrieval algorithm for NASA’s ICESat-2 photon-counting laser altimeter" Remote Sensing of Environment, 1–17. | .
N. Holschuh, Lilien, D., and Christianson, K. "Thermal Weakening, Convergent Flow, & Vertical Heat Transport in the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Shear Margins" Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 8184–8193. | .
Koellner, S., Parizek, B. R., Alley, R. B., Muto, A., & Holschuh, N., "The impact of spatially-variable
basal properties on outlet glacier flow." Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 550, 200-208. | .
Riverman, K., Alley, R. B., Anandakrishnan, S., Christianson, K. , Holschuh, N., Medley, B., Muto, A. and Peters, L., "Enhanced Firn Densification in High-Accumulation Shear Margins of the NE Greenland Ice
Stream" Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 1-18. | .
Alley, R. B., Pollard, D., Parizek, B. R., Anandakrishnan, S., Pourpoint, M., Stevens, N. T., MacGregor, J., Christianson, K., Muto, A., & Holschuh, N., "Possible Role for Tectonics in the Evolving Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 1-19. | .
Muto, A., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. B., Horgan, H. J., Parizek, B. R., Koellner, S., Christianson, K., & Holschuh, N., "Relating bed character and subglacial morphology using seismic data from Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctic" Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 507, 199-206. | .
2018 |
Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Jacobel, R. W., & Welch, B. C. "Persistent Tracers of Historic Ice Flow in Glacial Stratigraphy near Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica" The Cryosphere, 12, 2821–2829. | .
Kehrl, L., Conway, H., Holschuh, N.,, Campbell, S., Kurbatov, A. V., & Spaulding, N. E., "Evaluating the duration and continuity of potential climate records from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, East Antarctica." Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 4096–4104. | .
2017 |
Holschuh, N., Parizek, B. R., Alley, R. B., & Anandakrishnan, S., "Decoding ice sheet behavior using englacial layer slopes." Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 5561-5570. | .
Luthra, T., Peters, L. Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R.B., Holschuh, N., Smith, A.M.., "Characteristics of the sticky spot of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122, 641-653. |
2016 |
Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R., Jacobel, R., "Constraining attenuation uncertainty in common midpoint radar surveys of ice sheets." Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121, 1876-1890. |
Luthra, T., Anandakrishnan, S., Winberry, J.P., Alley, R.B., Holschuh, N., "Basal characteristics of the main sticky spot in the ice plain of Whillans Ice Stream" (2016) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440, 12-19. |
2014 |
Holschuh, N., Pollard, D., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. "Evaluating Marie Byrd Land Stability using an Improved Basal Topography" (2014) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 362-369. |
Holschuh, N. Christianson, K., & Anandakrishnan, S. "Power Loss in Dipping Internal Reflectors, Imaged using Ice Penetrating Radar" (2014) Annals of Glaciology, 55(67), 49-56. |
2014 |
Holschuh, N., Li., J., Meadows, M., Dobbs, S., "Systems and methods for aligning a monitor seismic survey with a baseline seismic survey" (2016) Chevron USA Inc. , US14565117, 1-16. |
- Courses Taught -
Fall 17 |
Primary Instructor - Principles of Glaciology (12 weeks) |
ESS 431, University of Washington
As primary instructor for the course, I lead 12 weeks of lecture and lab, wrote course content (including homework and exams), lead a course field trip to the glaciers of Mt. Baker, and supervised a graduate TA. The first half of the course focused on ice physics, from nucleation in the atmosphere to macro-scale dynamics in glaciers and ice sheets. The second half is special topics in glaciology, discussing sea ice, permafrost dynamics, ice core science, and glaciers in the news.
- Guest Lecture Positions -
05/17 |
Active Source Imaging Techniques (1 week - Geol 240, Carleton College) |
I lectured on subsurface imaging techniques, with a focus on active source acoustics and electromagnetics in the cryosphere.
03/16 |
Carbon Dating and Calibration (1 week - Geosc 330, PSU) |
I lectured on C14 production and decay, including the modern alibration techniques used to convert C14 concentrations into a robust age scale.
01/16 |
Dynamics of the Modern Ice Sheets (1 week - Geol 216, Carleton College) |
I guest lectured for one week on ice dynamics, including the physics of ice flow, the controls on ice sheet balance, and observational methods at the poles. This included the creation and execution of a lab, using the data from the SeaRISE project to illustrate how Antarctica is not a uniform region, but its dynamics vary dramatically by catchment.
02/15 |
Correlation, Convolution, and Statistical Filtering (2 weeks - Geosc 558, PSU) |
I lectured on the basics of linear time-invariant systems, and the convolutional model of the earth. Included in these lessons were a discussion of predictive filtering for multiple removal in active source seismic surveys.
01/13 |
Black Body Radiation, Heat Distribution, and Transport (2 weeks - Geosc 330, PSU) |
I lectured on the physics of Earth's overall energy balance and energy distribution. This included an analysis of the solar cycle, atmospheric dynamics, ocean circulation, and the coriolis effect.
- Teaching Assistantships -
Fall 2014 |
Geosc 230, PSU - Physical Processes in the Geosciences |
Conducted weekly lab sessions, teaching the students about basic geophysics and the use of geophysical instruments in the lab and the field.
Fall 2010 |
Econ 331, Carleton College - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory |
Lead two weekly sessions, one focused on the weekly problem sets and one a general supplementary lecture for struggling students
Spring 2010 |
Econ 110, Carleton College - Fundamentals of Macroeconomics |
Attended three weekly lectures and lead one weekly lecture and problem set help session.
Winter 2010 |
Geo 255, Carleton College - Petrology |
Co-lead weekly labs focusing on metamorphic processes, phase diagrams, and mineral relationships. Helped to lead field trips, taught operation of the XRD, and operation of the SEM for the students' individual P-T analysis.
Fall 2010 |
Geo 250, Carleton College - Mineralogy |
Co-lead weekly labs focusing on concepts in optical mineralogy and crystallography. I also provided bi-weekly office hours for individual questions from students.
- Additional Teaching Experience -
05/15 |
Graduate Teaching Certification - PSU |
In 2015, I completed the College Teaching Certification through Penn State's Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence. This consisted of two teaching classes, two semesters of supervised teaching, and the development of a professional website.
05/14 - 05/15 |
Graduate Writing Tutor - PSU College of Earth and Mineral Sciences |
My role as the graduate writing tutor was to serve as a resource for individual undergraduate students who need help with their coursework or resumes, to address both specific concerns and general questions about writing style and organization.
09/07 - 06/11 |
Science and Math Tutor - Northfield Reads and Counts |
I served as a math and science tutor for the Northfield, MN public school system. This consisteted of 2 hours in a classroom, twice a week for the 2007-2008 school year. I worked primarily with 1st through 6th grade students, both in math and in earth science.
2018 |
1st Place Presentation - University of Washington Postdoctoral Research Symposium
2016 |
| 3rd Place Presentation - Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Penn State Graduate Exhibition
2015 |
| Outstanding Student Paper Award - AGU Fall Meeting)
| Schenck Teaching Assistant of the Year Award
| 2nd Place Talk - Geosciences PhD Colloquium
2014 |
| Dr. Gabriel and Mrs. Katherine Leblanc Fellowship in Geosciences
2013 |
| Shell Research Facilitation Award
2012 |
| NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2011 |
| University Graduate Fellowship - Pennsylvania State University
| Distinction in Undergraduate Thesis - Geology
| Distinction in Undergraduate Thesis - Economics
| Phi Beta Kappa Qualification
| Sigma Xi Qualification
2010 |
| Duncan Stewart Fellow
2009 |
| Ernest F. Hollings Scholar
Investigating modern and paleo ice sheet dynamics using ice penetrating radar. Holschuh, N., (2019) Western Washington University Geology Colloquium, Bellingham, WA. |
Swath topography, and the future of polar bed mapping. Holschuh, N., K. Christianson, and J. Paden (2019) University of Washington ESS Colloquium - Postdoctoral Lightning Talks, Seattle, WA. |
Contextualizing the slow-down of Whillans Ice Stream using ICESat-2 and swath radar topography Holschuh, N., K. Christianson, and J. Paden (2019) WAIS Workshop, Julian, CA. |
Swath topography, and the future of polar bed mapping. Holschuh, N., K. Christianson, and J. Paden (2019) IGS: Symposium on Five Decades of Radioglaciology Palo Alto, CA. |
Linking Postglacial Landscapes and Subglacial Processes through Swath Radar Imaging at Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica. Holschuh, N., K. Christianson, J. Pade, R. B. Alley, and S. Anandakrishnan, (2019) IGS: Glacial Erosion and Sedimentation, Madison, WI. |
Beyond Ice Thickness: Inferring the Flow Dynamics and Physical Properties of Ice Sheets Using Radar. Holschuh, N.,(2018) University of Oregon: Geosciences Colloquium Series Eugene, OR. |
Reinterpreting the Global Paleo-Ice Sheet Record through Observed, In Situ Subglacial Landforms at Thwaites Glacier. Holschuh, N.,K. Christianson, J. D. Paden, R. B. Alley, and S. Anandakrishnan (2018) WAIS Workshop. Stony Point, NY. |
Using radar to evaluate the thermal stabilization of ice stream shear margins. Holschuh, N., D. Lilien, K. Christianson, E. Bagshaw (2018) SCAR Open Science Meeting.
Davos, Switzerland. |
Challenges to layer tracing and insights from direction-of-arrival analysis for Antarctic
englacial layers. Holschuh, N., (2018) AntArchitecture Workshop
Davos, Switzerland. |
Using radar to understand the processes controlling ice flow speed in Greenland. Holschuh, N., (2018) University of Washington Postdoctoral Research Symposium
Seattle, WA. |
Estimating the Heat Production and Distribution across Ice-Stream Shear Margins Using Surface Velocities. Holschuh, N., Lilien, D., Christianson, K. (2017) AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. |
Disentangling the thermal and hydrologic signals expressed in radar data collected near EGRIP. Holschuh, N., Lilien, D., Christianson, K. (2017) NEGIS Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
A Varied Subglacial Landscape Under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica. Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R., Paden, J., Peters, L., and Sprick, J. (2017) Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Seattle, WA. |
Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Jacobel, R.W., (2017) WAIS Workshop, Coupeville, WA. |
Ground-based radar stratigraphy across Antarctica. Holschuh, N., (2017) AntArchitecture Workshop
Edinburgh, Scotland. |
The intersection of electromagnetics and ice physics. Holschuh, N., (2017) Department of Earth and Space Science Colloquium Series - University of Washington, Seattle, WA. |
Active source imaging of the crysophere. Holschuh, N., (2017) Carleton Geology Lecture Series, Northfield, MN. |
The effect of subglacial volcanism on ice dynamics near the onset of the Siple Coast Ice Streams. Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Conway, H., Jacobel, R.W., (2017) European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria. |
“Common-midpoint radar surveys of ice sheets: a tool for better ice and bed property inversions” Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R., Jacobel, R., (2016) AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA. |
“A framework for interpreting internal layer slopes as a record of past and present ice-sheet boundary conditions.” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Alley, R., Anandakrishnan, S., (2016) WAIS Workshop Sterling, VA. |
“Investigating the Potential for Reconfiguration of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets” Holschuh, N., Alley, R., Anandakrishnan, S., (2016) Penn State Graduate School - Graduate Exhibition University Park, PA. |
“Investigating the Potential for Reconfiguration of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets” Holschuh, N., Alley, R., Anandakrishnan, S., (2016) Penn State Geosciences - Graduate Student Colloquium University Park, PA. |
“Structures, Radar, and Antarctic Adventure” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Alley, R., Anandakrishnan, S., (2016) Seminar Series - Carleton College Department of Geology, Northfield, MN. |
“Englacial Structures and Indicators of the Controls on Ice Flow” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Alley, R., Anandakrishnan, S., (2015) AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
“Internal Reflector Slope Fields as a Proxy for Ice Sheet Velocity Structure” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Alley, R., Anandakrishnan, S., (2015) WAIS Workshop, Loveland, CO. |
“Descriminating between Steady-State and Transient Controls on Englacial Structures” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2015) International Symposium on Contemporary Ice-Sheet Dynamics: ocean interaction, meltwater, and non-linear effects, Cambridge, UK. |
“Using the Englacial Geometry of West Antarctica to Determine its Future Stability” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2015) Penn State Graduate School Exhibition, State College, PA. |
“Using the Englacial Geometry of West Antarctica to Determine its Future Stability” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2015) Penn State Geosciences - Graduate Student Colloquium, State College, PA. |
“Using the Englacial Geometry of West Antarctica to Determine its Future Stability” Holschuh, N., Parizek, B., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2015) Advances, in Polar Research since the International Polar Year, State College, PA. |
“Bistatic radar case studies from Antarctica and Greenland” Holschuh, N., Christianson, K., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2015) WAIS Workshop, Julian, CA.
“Evaluating Marie Byrd Land Stability using an Improved Basal Topography” Holschuh, N., Pollard, D., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2014) Penn State Geosciences - Graduate Student Colloquium, State College, PA.
“Consequences of a Deeper Bed for Marie Byrd Land Stability” Holschuh, N., Pollard, D., Anandakrishnan, S., Alley, R. (2013) West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, Sterling, VA.
"The Effects of Reflector Geometry on Radar Data Acquisition" Holschuh, N. (2013) International Glaciological Society Symposium on Radioglaciology, Lawrence, KS.
"Improving our Understanding of Marie Byrd Land Geometry through Geophysical Observations and Flow Modeling." Holschuh, N. (2013) Midwest Glaciology Meeting , State College, PA.
“Inferring Ice Sheet Basal Topography using Surface Observations and Flow Modeling” Holschuh, N. Anandakrishnan, S.,, Pollard, D., (2013) NSF Review Panel for the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, Elizabeth City, NC.
“Below the Ice: Investigating the Subsurface Environment of Thwaites Glacier through Radio Echo Sounding.” Holschuh, N. (2013) Penn State Polar Day, State College, PA.
“Inferring Bed Topography in West Antarctica through Ice Surface Inversion” Holschuh, N. (2013) Penn State Geosciences – Penn State Geodynamics Colloquium, State College, PA.
“An Analysis of Tsunami Sensitivity to Fault Plane Orientation Using a Rapid Linear Model." (2011) Holschuh, N., Carleton College Library (Thesis).
“A Systematic Analysis of Potential Leading Indicators in the United States through Vector Autoregression." (2011) Holschuh, N., Carleton College Library (Thesis).
“A Systematic Analysis of Potential Leading Indicators in the United States through Vector Autoregression." (2011) Holschuh, N., Carleton College Economics Comprehensive Poster Session, Northfield, MN.
“An Analysis of Tsunami Sensitivity to Fault Plane Orientation Using a Rapid Linear Model." (2011) Holschuh, N., Carleton College Geology Comprehensive Talk Series, Northfield, MN.
“An Analysis of Tsunami Sensitivity to Fault Plane Orientation Using a Rapid Linear Model." (2011) Holschuh, N., Carleton College Geology Seminar, Northfield, MN.
“Improving Tsunami Warning with a Rapid Linear Model.” (2010) Fryer, G., N. Holschuh, D. Wang, N. Becker, American Geophysical Union National Conference, San Francisco, CA.
"Improving Tsunami Warning Protocols with a Rapid Linear Model." (2010) Holschuh, N., G. Fryer, Sigma Xi Banquet, Northfield, MN.
"Improving Tsunami Warning Protocols through the Incorporation of Historical Data." (2010) Holschuh, N., G. Fryer, Hollings Scholar Symposium, Silver Springs, MD.
"A Preliminary Geochemical Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Surface Water Chemistry of Rice County, MN." (2009) Holschuh, N., B. Haileab, Geological Society of America National Conference, Portland, OR.
2017-Present |
UW Earth and Space Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Committee |
Member of a student, faculty, and postdoc committee dedicated to formulating department priorities for recruiting, admission, and culture to foster departmental diversity. Helped lead the development of the 2018 ESS Diversity Statement.
2017/18 |
Polar Science Weekend |
Presented ice dynamics and ice-core exhibits at the Pacific Science Center as part of Polar Science Weekend.
2013 - Present |
Referee - Nature, Geology, The Cryosphere, IEEE, Journal of Glaciology |
I have acted as a peer reviewer for for articles related to ice-flow modeling, ice-penetrating radar, and glacial geology.
2012-15 |
Student Representative to the Faculty - Department of Geosciences |
I acted as the PhD Student representative to the Geosciences faculty, advocating student interests at the Geoscience faculty meetings.
2015 |
Penn State EMS Museum Board |
I organized and lead a student run commitee for museum exhibit development and curation. This has been converted into a 1 credit seminar in the PSU department of Geosciences.
04/14 |
Data Sonification - Penn State Polar Day |
Finding new ways to communicate scientific data is a common pursuit within climate science, and Dr. Mark Ballora of Penn State attempts to do so by converting time-series data to sound. I assisted in collecting model results of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which were used in the sonification process and presented at the 2014 Penn State Polar Day.
01/14 |
Shake, Rattle, and Rocks |
Shake, Rattle, and Rocks is a program led by Penn State to teach elementary school students about the Earth Sciences. I helped in the administration of the event, as well as helped teached students about seismic waves and answered question regarding exhibits in the Penn State Geosciences museum.
2012-13 |
CReSIS REU Mentor |
The Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets sponsors several REU opportunities each summer. I acted as a graduate student mentor for two summers, preparing code and data for their use and fielding both general and technical questions over the summer.